Monday 8 February 2010

The Virtual Revolution

Watch this episode and asnwer the following questons:

1. Which continent has just got broadband?
2. What is the name of the man who 'invented' the world wide web?
3. How much of the population is using the web?
4. How many of us is that?
5. Dr Aleks Krotoski refers to the web as bringing about a 'levelling of power, culture and ??????'
6. How many log on every day in the UK?
7. How much money is spent a week on the internet in the UK?
8. How many of us read blogs?
9. Why is it called 'the great leveller'?
10. How do the libertarian values of the internet clash with 'human instincts?
11. How many people use Wikipedia each month around the world?

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