Monday 24 May 2010

ractice A2 questions.
2 hour examination
Spend one hour, reading your notes and planning this, then put your notes away and write for 2 hours. 3 hours out of your life to guarantee success!
Section A: Theoretical Evaluation of Production
1a) ‘Fail to plan and you plan to fail’. How important was your research and planning in helping you to target a specific audience? Refer to both foundation & advanced portfolios. (25 marks)
1b) What role did the concept of narrative play in the development of one of your productions?  (25 marks)
Section B: Online Media
  1. ‘Without convergence the internet would be obsolete’. How far do you agree or disagree with this statement in terms of audiences and institutions?  (50 marks)
Section A: Theoretical Evaluation of Production
1a) ‘The real creativity takes place in post production’. Did you find that technology helped or hindered your creative ideas?  (25 Marks)
1b) ‘Media language is a negotiated concept’. What was your preferred reading for one of your productions and how far did your target audience adhere to this?  (25 marks)
Section B: Online Media
2)  Web 2 has significantly changed the Media. In what ways has it benefited audiences and what must institutions do to retain control?    (50 Marks)

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