Tuesday 2 March 2010

Mr Mariani's essay

Last lesson we had a class debate, leading into an essay title:

"The Internet is a communications network, just as television and radio. It should also be regulated as such. Discuss."

Areas to consider:
• Freedom of expression vs preaching of hate/prejudice
• Creativity vs copyright
• Protection of children
• Criminal activity and the upholding of laws
• Quality control
• What methods of regulation are there; and are they workable?
• *How would all the above work in comparison to television regulation?*
• *Case study examples*

Essays to be written and uploaded to http://drop.io/

On this website, on the left hand side, choose a hyperlink name and then upload your essay file to this website. Paste the link on your 'Media in the Online Age' blogs for me to access.

Due: Thursday 11th March, in time for our lesson that day.

Mr Mariani.

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