Tuesday 30 March 2010

Essay Questions to do over the holidays.

Media in the Online Age
1. What difference has the internet made to media production and consumption? Refer to at least two media sectors in your answer. [50]
2. How important to change in the media is the idea of convergence? Refer to at least two media in your answer.
3. How have audiences responded to changes in technology in at least two media sectors you have studied.
4. How has media in the online age affected institutions and audiences?

Thursday 11 March 2010

Four Square

People use foursquare to "check-in", which is a way of telling us your whereabouts. When you check-in someplace, we'll tell your friends where they can find you and recommend places to go & things to do nearby. People check-in at all kind of places - cafes, bars, restaurants, parks, homes, offices.

You'll find that as your friends use foursquare to check-in, you'll start learning more about the places they frequent. Not only is it a great way to meet up with nearby friends, but you'll also start to learn about their favorite spots and the new places they discover.

Article in todays Telegraph Technology section:

'Location-based services will be huge. It’s fun to watch this stuff, because everyone is trying to figure out the space, innovating in their own unique way and creating some wonderful things'.

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Mr Mariani's essay

Last lesson we had a class debate, leading into an essay title:

"The Internet is a communications network, just as television and radio. It should also be regulated as such. Discuss."

Areas to consider:
• Freedom of expression vs preaching of hate/prejudice
• Creativity vs copyright
• Protection of children
• Criminal activity and the upholding of laws
• Quality control
• What methods of regulation are there; and are they workable?
• *How would all the above work in comparison to television regulation?*
• *Case study examples*

Essays to be written and uploaded to http://drop.io/

On this website, on the left hand side, choose a hyperlink name and then upload your essay file to this website. Paste the link on your 'Media in the Online Age' blogs for me to access.

Due: Thursday 11th March, in time for our lesson that day.

Mr Mariani.

Questions to ask

How has our consumption of the news changed in the last five years?
How has our consumption of music changed in the last five years?
How has our consumption of TV changed in the last five years?

Example Questions

Media in the Online Age:
1. What difference has the internet made to media consumption and production? Refer to at least two media sectors in your answer.
2. How important to change in the media is the idea of convergence? Refer to at least two media sectors in your answer.
3. What difference has Web 2.0 made to the two media areas you have studied? Are the bold claims that, 'everything has changed' accurate in both cases?

Use our case studies of Online News, Television and the Music industry to answer these.